One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time.

Our dedicated team of volunteers is a big part of our collective impact. From planning community events to working one-on-one with people beginning their recovery journey, there are opportunities for everyone to give back.


The peer volunteer program trains individuals with lived experience in recovery to provide help and guidance to individuals that are beginning their journey to recovery. Volunteering in Home of New Vision’s residential treatment center along with the engagement center, our volunteers work in individual and group settings, interacting with clients to build their recovery capital.The tiered peer program provides a variety of training and professional development opportunities for people interested in learning more about recovery coaching


Every year WRAP hosts a wide range of community events. These events are all made possible by our dedicated volunteers.From brainstorming new ideas, to coordinating event planning, all the way up to helping host these events, our volunteers are involved in everything we do. Anyone is welcome to join our team!For more information, view the our meetings and events page to find out when our next volunteer meeting is going to happen.

Want to give back? Reach out to learn more.