Come Home…

It is my intention to speak directly to the core of you. To plant a seed at the center of your being that gently reminds you of your worthiness. I’d also like you to know however you may have stumbled across this article, you were meant to read it.  I need you to feel that. I also intend to convey a message of hope and an unshakable knowing that change is possible! You are love and you deserve to be here. Let us start there.

“I’m a person living in Recovery.” I know you’ve heard that before and that’s because a lot of people in the world suffer from SUD. How comforting is it to know we aren’t alone? I happen to be one of those people and celebrated 3 years in August. So I understand how deep it gets and how hard it is to get out! The vicious cycle that keeps us encapsulated in a box we desperately want out of. I see you, I feel you, I am YOU! I’m speaking directly to the part of you that yearns for Peace and Serenity. The part that kind of knows it possible and might be able to dig in just the tiniest bit. The emotions we feel as humans is universal! The journeys are different but the feelings are the same. So believe me when I tell you I’ve felt all the things! I have done some unthinkable, awful, shameful, beautiful, amazing, and humbling things throughout my journey. I come to you with a lot of lived experiences and an innerstanding of how YOU feel too. I’m sorry your struggling and I’m even sorrier the world doesn’t understand you! COME HOME! 

There are so many pathways to recovery and when you decide enough is enough, we have a whole team of people waiting to band together to assist in creating a way for you too. All that’s needed is willingness and a space within you to reach into. You are love, you are worthy, and you deserve a happy, healthy life.